Carolyn Tsao

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at Princeton University. 

I study how non-wage amenities affect job choice and worker productivity, with a focus on teacher labor markets.

I am currently on the 2024/25 academic job market.

My CV is available here

Email: ctsao [at] princeton [dot] edu

Working Papers

It's Not (Just) About the Money: Pay and Working Conditions in Teaching (Job Market Paper)

Winner of the Best Paper Award at the 2024 CESifo/ifo Junior Workshop on Economics of Education 

Managers in Public Schools (draft coming soon)

The Effects of Prohibiting Marriage Bars: The Case of U.S. Teachers (submitted) 

with Amy Kim

Works in Progress

Manager Feedback Style and Worker Productivity (extended abstract coming soon)

with Calvin Jahnke and Gabor Nyeki


Professor Alexandre Mas

Haas School of Business

University of California, Berkeley 

Professor David Lee

Department of Economics

Princeton University 

Professor Ilyana Kuziemko

Department of Economics

Princeton University